Office temporarily closed to visitors.
145 Tremont St
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
(844) 267-HEALTH
(844) 267-4325
TTY Phone (Text Telephone):
(855) 386-3889
Make sure you have a primary care provider (PCP)! Your PCP can be a family physician, internist, pediatrician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.
In order to have coverage under your plan, you must choose a PCP.
Click here to see Select Network providers. You can find a doctor located near your home or work who speaks your language and has office hours that are convenient for your schedule.
Once you choose a PCP, please let Tufts Health Plan know. You can do this in any of the following ways:
Find a doctor
Call (800) 462-0224 or visit TUFTS
Find mental health services
“Mental health services” is treatment for illnesses related to moods, feelings, emotions and behavior that focuses on recovery. You can also get help for substance abuse and work life balance.
Call (800) 208-9565 or visit TUFTS
Learn more about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)—including short-term counseling—and find alternative care providers
Call (800) 878-2004 or visit Modern Assistance Programs (MAP)
Find an eye doctor
Call (800) 999-5431 or visit Davis Vision
Find a dentist
Call (800) 323-1743 or visit Delta Dental of Illinois
Download a copy of your:
It is an overview of your benefits, but some information may have changed.
Call us if you have questions: (844) 267-4325
“Summary of Benefits & Coverage” (SBC).
What is an “SBC?”
Under the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”), all insurance companies and group health plans, like UNITE HERE HEALTH, are asked to provide an easy-to-understand summary of benefits and coverage, or “SBC.” Sometimes, it’s a good overview with lots of charts.
All the details are in a 100-page reference book called an SPD (Summary Plan Description). Sometimes, changes are made to the benefits listed in this very thick book. These changes are listed in document called an SMM (Summary of Material Modification).
After each SPD is published, certain changes may have been made to your benefits. These changes are reflected in a Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) that are mailed to each member. View these SMMs on our library page. (Click your plan button under "Boston Region".)
Call us with any questions: (844) 267-4325
New! Prescription HOTLINE: (844) 813-3860
Hospitality Rx now manages your pharmacy benefits! Please view their website for more details.
For claims prior to October 1, 2017, call (800) 462 -0224 or visit TUFTS.
Are you trying to find out if one of your doctor’s bills (claims) have been paid? Check online.
Create an account through TUFTS and check your claims.
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance benefits are provided by Dearborn National.
Call us with questions: (844) 267-4325
Short-Term Disability insurance benefits are provided by UNITE HERE HEALTH:
Call us with questions: (844) 267-4325
Short-term disability wallet guide
Call us if you need help understanding these forms: (844) 267-4325.
The mission of UNITE HERE HEALTH, a Taft-Hartley labor management trust fund, is to provide health benefits that offer high-quality, affordable health care to our participants at better value with better service than is otherwise available in the market. We believe our success depends on innovation and on engaging our participants.
UNITE HERE HEALTH 711 N. Commons Drive, Aurora, IL 60504