
Detroit (Plan 345)

Make the most of your benefits: Stay in-network!

Click on the following to learn more

Vision Dental Life Insurance Short Term Disability

Your Health Fund

218 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 800

Chicago, IL 60604

(800) 419-HERE (4373) or (312) 461-1916

Phone Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm Central Time

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Register and create an account on to check your claims, eligibility and more!

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Your in-network provider is Davis Vision.

To find a network optometrist call: (800) 999-5431


Your in-network provider is Delta Dental of Illinois.

To find a network dentist, call: (800) 323-1743 or visit

Life Insurance

Your life insurance coverage is provided by Dearborn National.

For more information, call: (800) 419-HERE (4373).