Don’t go out of network! It costs too much money!
Make sure you have a PCP! A primary care provider (PCP) can be a family physician, internist, pediatrician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.
Call (800) 810-2583 or visit BCBS Anthem
Learn how to use BCBS Blue Access for Members.
Get answers to your health questions—anytime! Call HealthCheck360’s FREE 24/7 nurse line: (866) 823-9827.
Call Delta Dental (800) 323-1743 or visit Delta Dental online
Call Davis Vision (800) 999-5431 or find a provider
Effective 1/1/2025, Transplant and CAR-T therapy (and related services) are covered through a special network, which is available through Optum and Cigna LifeSOURCE. Visit for more information.
Get 24/7 access to benefits, eligibility, claims, and more! Visit the UHH Member Portal online at or download the app (search UHH Member Portal in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store).
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Pacific Time)
The mission of UNITE HERE HEALTH, a Taft-Hartley labor management trust fund, is to provide health benefits that offer high-quality, affordable health care to our participants at better value with better service than is otherwise available in the market. We believe our success depends on innovation and on engaging our participants.
UNITE HERE HEALTH 711 N. Commons Drive, Aurora, IL 60504